Fit Guarantee

We also offer a Perfect Fit Guarantee, that works as follows:

  • If your product does not fit you as expected, you can request another of a different size completely free of charge.
  • We can go up to 2 sizes up or 2 sizes down on the free replacement, depending on stock availability.
  • The new product will be of the same color as the one originally purchased, we can’t provide a free size exchange for a different color.
  • Every item on your purchase can be replaced for free up to one time. Meaning that if you buy 4 products today and you decide you need a size up for all of them, we’ll send you 4 new products with the new size.

However, in the very unlikely case that you need another size up, we’ll need to request the return of all products before issuing a new size replacement.

  • When using the Perfect Fit Guarantee for the first time, you don’t need to return the originally purchased product that did not fit. You can keep it.

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